One of the speeches was by Luisa of Lulubelles cupcakes, it was really inspiring to hear her story. One of the things she talked about was her new cafe opening next week, and that she would have some space for some gifts to sell in the cafe. When she said this, my scooter ribbons came to mind. Then her talk finished and the next one was about to start, which I really wanted to listen to. I was torn, sitting in the dark lecture theatre, do I stay and listen or get up and show Luisa my ribbons. I think I waited a few more minutes, then got up and just caught Luisa before she left. She seemed to like the ribbons and I was so pleased I got up from my seat, I still made it back to hear most of the talk.
So today I sent an email with pictures and details of the ribbons, typed one handed as my little boy would not let me put him down, to Lulubelles. And I heard back pretty quickly that she liked them and there was one more space on her new shelves, hooray! Just got in in time again. So I'm taking them down to the cafe tomorrow, fingers crossed they like them in 'the flesh'. So if you need a pair of ribbons for your bike or scooter, fancy a cupcake and are in Canford Cliffs, head to Lulubelles new cafe.
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