Well, haven't got round to writing for a few days, but thought I would update you on how Claudia's party went.
She woke up, full of excitement, of course, being four is extremely exciting! And when she went down stairs, was greeted by a big pile of presents, even more exciting.
Then we had to get to work, it always seems to take us ages to get everyone ready and out of the house. We had a few things to do, and even when we don't have anything to do it's a challenge to leave before 10am.
I had finished decorating the cake, my mum was down to help, so she did the chocolate bit, and then I did the arty bit. Icing is not the easiest medium to work with, but I was pleased with the result, and Claudia was thrilled (which was the main thing!).
Once sandwiches were made, party bags filled and thecar was loaded, it was time to head to the hall. We hung the bunting, set up the face painting table, set up the dinner table while Claudia and Henry raced about.
At 11 everyone started turning up, and the games commenced.
There were all sorts of games, which my husband thought up as he went along (dressed in some dog ears I had made him that morning!) as he had forgotten his list. Pass the parcel, musical statues, musical chairs, egg and spoon race, what's the time mr wolf. Oh yes all the classics! All the kids loved it, he only made one of them cry for a very little while by being a too scary wolf!!
The party lunch was also a success, and we were left with very few left overs. And all the cake got eaten, couldn't believe it, was really looking forward to having some for my tea later on, it was delicious, and a good family team effort.
For a treat afterwards (thanks to my Mum) we went to the Rock restaurant in Wimborne, for some delicious lunch for the grown ups, and ice cream all round. And we got to see my prints on the wall in there too!!
A lovely day, and a very happy birthday!